Installation and repair of conductors

Installation and repair of conductors
If you own or manage a property, consider whether it is adequately protected against lightning.
Lightning rods, which were built in earlier times, are not consistent to today’s standards.

CSN standards

34 1390 Regulations for lightning protection (basic standard for design, implementation and establishment of conductors).
33 2000-5-54 Electrical Equipment, Chapter 54: grounding and protective conductors.
33 2000-6-61 Electrical equipment, inspection, Chapter 61: initial inspection procedures.
33 1500 Revision of electrical equipment, regular.

62 305-1-5 Lightning Protection (new, stricter standards which are in force since 11/06, replacing CSN 34 1390 1 2.2009).

If building does not meet its requirements, you run the risk that:
- your house will be struck by lightning
- you will be prosecute for not fulfilling the obligations to adequately protect against danger
- and insurance company will refuses pay for damages

We have the solution, how to avoid the problem:
- we suggest installing lightning protection
- provide reviewed of your lightning system  

The price is individual.

We perform
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